Sunday, April 5, 2009



WE GOT A NEW PUPPY! Two weeks ago we had a booth at the Las Vegas Convention Center for the Home Show. Kinda weird but there was a pet store selling puppies there and I just fell in love. Sooooo now we have 3 dogs. He actually fits right in and they all play really well together. It kind of sucks doing the whole house training thing again and everything but he is really smart and is catching on just fine. I know I'm kinda crazy.....haha.....but just look how cute he is.....Aaaaaw.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

I know I have not made a post for forever. I honestly do try I just get busy and forget. Anyway here is the latest......we are moving our office to a new location. This is long overdue. We have doubled our staff since we moved into our current location 3 years ago and we also have more and more customers bringing their cars in. We are very excited because the location of our new office is so good. You can see it from the I-15. Now the interior is a different story. We have practically gutted it and are in the process of renovating it. We even added offices and moved a wall to make the bay bigger. This has been so much work and it is taking so much money and time but in the end we know it will be really good and it will pay off. I have posted pics below so you can see what a crap hole it is. I will have to remember to post pics when it is all complete so you can see the finished product. Till then, take it easy.

New Office